How do I then select valuable CEPs for my marketing strategy?

Credibility: focus on the CEPs that marketing strategy are in line with your brand image . A sneaker brand that is mainly associated with sporty (for example: Asics) should not focus on the CEP ‘ A sneaker to wear when going out to a club and/or party’ .
Competition: If the CEP is highly competitive, skip it. This is the case if the entire category loads highly on a particular CEP (for example: ‘ A sneaker to wear when going for a walk ‘).
Valuable (at category level): Do not focus on CEPs where the category has a low loading, such as the CEP ‘ A sneaker to pair with formal outfit ‘.
Selecting CEPs is a matter of eliminating them until a list of valuable CEPs remains. The table below illustrates how strongly each sneaker brand loads on the different CEPs:

Table 2. CEP/brand links. Sneaker brands

By focusing on valuable CEPs as a brand, you build a neural bridge (an association) between your brand and the CEP.

For Asics, for example, it is interesting list of antarctica consumer email to focus on the CEPs ‘ A sneaker to wear when going for a run ‘, ‘ A sneaker that feels comfortable ‘ and ‘ A sneaker to wear everyday ‘ in the coming period. This is due to the high credibility, relatively low competition and high value at category level.

list of antarctica consumer email

The entire category scores relatively low on the CEP ‘ A sneaker to pair with formal outfits ‘. Although the category value is very low, this is an opportunity for the  on any CEP – but relatively the highest on this CEP.

And Lacoste scores relatively high custom gpts for content writing – a practical guide on the CEP ‘ A sneaker to wear at work ‘, where a focus on the CEP in marketing campaigns can build a stronger neural bridge between the brand and the CEP.

An important sidenote: don’t focus on just one CEP. Brands grow by broadening and refreshing CEPs. Just look at the (mental) market leader (Nike).

What conditions must effective marketing communications meet?

Once you have determined your marketing strategy, it is smart to always ask yourself the following questions with every marketing communication:

Which CEP will bring this expression anhui mobile phone number list to attention? Will it be clear even to the lightest category and brand buyer?
Is this CEP valuable to a large number of people? The more common the CEP, the more impact the ad can have. The more unusual the CEP, the fewer buying situations the ad can influence.
When was the last time you did advertising? If it was in a recent campaign, see if there were other CEPs that were neglected, as refreshing those memories could benefit the brand more.
In short, by monitoring the right metrics and focusing on the most strategically valuable CEPs, you can turn the right knobs in your marketing strategy and be able to monitor and increase your brand growth.
