Online Advertising & Digital Advertising Neuromarketing: Metrics to track what the eye focuses on and examples

According to the INESEM Business Online Advertising School, the arrival of neuromarketing has revolutionis the detail study of consumer behaviour . And with good reason: thanks to this discipline, we have more and more scientific data on what consumers really think and how they relate to brands.

One of the most popular tactics in neuromarketing is eye tracking. Thanks to it, it is possible to obtain a lot of data on which elements work to attract users’ attention. But what exactly can we measure with eye tracking? If you want to know, don’t miss the neuromarketing metrics from the latest study by iMotions bas on eye behavior (eye tracking).

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Neuromarketing metrics to track what the eye focuses on and examples

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Eye tracking in neuromarketing

Neuromarketing is a discipline that applies neuroscience to the field of marketing to try to find out how the brain of consumers works and which areas should be activat to encourage them to buy. To do this, the scientific method is appli through studies in highly controll laboratories.

One of the premises

on which neuromarketing is bas is that 80% of the purchasing decisions made by does ai content rank on google? consumers are unconscious. Therefore, asking them directly about their motivations can only offer limit results. In contrast, neuromarketing techniques aim to objectively measure the decision-making mechanisms that act without the person being aware of them.

Eye tracking involves following bz lists the eye movement patterns of consumers participating in a study in order to gain insights into their relationship with advertising and products.
