Let’s say Asics is launching a new Marketing Strategy marketing campaign and you’re ask what creative approach the brand can best use to grow the most. How do you ensure that the marketing efforts translate into actual brand growth? Before we answer that question, let’s first dive into the basics: how do brands actually grow? And how do we measure this?
The short answer:
Brands grow by increasing their list of anguilla consumer email mental availability. Mental availability is the building of different memory structures to increase the amount of links (that link to the brand) in people’s memory, the brand’s ‘share of mind’.
They increase that mental availability by expanding and refreshing Category Entry Points (CEPs). These are the cues that category buyers use to access their memory when confront with a buying situation.
In other words, when your brand is remember across multiple purchase situations (CEPs) by category buyers, the more likely you are to be purchas.
Strategic lessons
In their books, Byron Sharp and Jenni content analysis with ai – transformation of information Romaniuk summarize the strategic lessons from decades of empirical research into brand growth drivers. In validating studies, they have shown that mental market share (MMS) correlates with actual market share (SMS).
Mental market share
The Mental Market Share (MMS) is anhui mobile phone number list the share of links between brands’ CEPs relative to a , in a representative sample of category buyers.
Mental market share reflects how often a brand. Compar to other brands, is activat in the brain in different purchase situations (=CEPs). The more links the brand builds to different CEPs, the higher the mental market share.
The coherence
In the validating studies, conduct by Jenni Romaniuk (Better Brand Health, 2023). The correlation between mental market share and actual market share is very strong (correlation coefficients between 75% and 95%). In other words, there is a strong correlation between the 2 variables MMS and SMS.