Online Marketing & Digital Marketing Millennials vs. Generation X: What are their consumer habits?

campaigns to work, the first Online Marketing essential step is to understand the habits of the audience we are targeting. It is of little use to have a perfect creative concept and execution if the channel we have chosen does not reach our audience.

One of the factors that most determines users’ consumption habits is the generation they belong to, so understanding the differences between them is a very valuable first approach. To help you out, we are going to analyze the data from the Study of Millennial vs. Generation X Consumption Habits by Smartme Analytics, recently publish by IAB Spain and ready to answer the most important questions about these two generations.

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Millennials vs  consumption habits do they have?

They are also known as the first generation to fully integrate technology into their lives, although the truth is that they were not born with it, but had to migrate to the digital age from the technological era.

Generation X , on the other hand, includes those born between 1965 and 1980 , who are now mastering ai seo strategy: drive traffic and dominate rankings between 39 and 54 years old. Their childhood and even adolescence were therefore entirely analogue, and they had to undergo a transition to digital mia in adulthood.

What is the internet penetration of each generation?

To put the figures for internet penetration among Generation X and millennials into perspective, we have to take into account that the Spanish population between 18 and 65 years old is 30.5 million people. Of these, 28.7 million make up the weekly population of internet users.

Of these Internet users, 8.1 million (28.2%) are millennials and 11.9 million (41.6%) belong to cz lists Generation X, which is therefore the generation with the most influence on the Internet in our country. The rest are divid between centennials (those born after 1996) and baby boomers (before 1965).
