3 Misconceptions about innovation in business

Nowadays, there is constant talk about the need for innovation in companies. Something that has undoubtedly become. The only guarantee of success in the highly competitive markets we face.

Despite this, there are still many misconceptions surrounding. The concept of “innovation”, especially regarding the starting.

In this article, we present three of the most common ideas regarding innovation in companies that do not occur as people usually believe.

1. Believing that technology = innovation 

The tools and innovations made to our product or service are very important, perhaps one of the most relevant aspects. However, beyond acquiring new tools or making modifications to the products, the most important thing when innovating is the purpose of our actions.

How often do we see cases of companies

Innovation in companies implies that all team members are aligned and know in detail the actions that will be carried out. In other words, it is the people who will be the axis of the process and, based on their challenges and objectives, whether or not they acquire technological tools.

2. View innovation in the company as a radical process 

For some reason, there is a preconception that the innovation process is something that happens in the blink of an eye.

The reality is that innovation in companies , or digital transformation processes , must use an incremental and continuous perspective that gradually becomes a larger innovation. Otherwise, multiple problems will arise in different areas and processes simultaneously and it will be very difficult to identify and correct them.

By taking small, measurable actions little by little, specific difficulties are addressed and continuous improvements are made until georgia telemarketing moving to the next level of the process.

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3. Innovation processes focused on the product and not on the customer

Every day, in different parts smarketing: 3 practices that will help you align marketing and sales of the world, thousands of ideas emerge to improve products and create new technologies that replace existing ones. Many companies even have research and development departments whose japan number list purpose is to constantly create new products and innovations.

Although we cannot deny that this can be beneficial for companies, in many cases these actions lack direction when trying to seek innovation opportunities from a perspective focused on the product and not on the customer.

An example of this was Google Glass, which Google launched in 2012. This product promised that technology would work for you and that you could do everything you can do with your smartphone through glasses.
