Young people listen to more podcasts

What about the listening habits of more podcasts young people? There is good news for. It does not yet beat listening to traditional radio stations, but it now takes an almost equal share of the listening pie.

Online music services continue to account for the largest amount of listening time, with young people aged 15-21 and 22-28 listening to these services the most.

Podcasts are especially popular with young people between 29-35 years old. It is striking that the so-called ‘murder casts’ are often mentioned as a favorite podcast subject. Advertisements in podcasts are also found to be somewhat more credible and fun than in previous measurements. A good match with the younger target group!

Young people mainly read magazines on paper

Although more than half of young list of belgium consumer email people ignore magazines, about 45% of young people occasionally open a magazine. This happens more often on paper than online; only 17% read a magazine online and it is only done by men aged 29-35.

list of belgium consumer email

Of the young people who read magazines, 22% have a subscription to one or more magazines. Almost half of the young people – especially the oldest age group – buy a single magazine now and then.

Brands: Watch your reputation & be authentic

Finally, a little deep dive on how young people feel about brands according to the 2024 youth survey. Young people find it important that brands ai in content marketing: unlocking the potential have a good reputation, and are authentic and sincere. These values ​​have become more important since the previous survey.

In addition, brands must also be anhui mobile phone number list open and transparent about production processes. Less important are having a position on social themes and having a purpose or meaning.

And how should that be expressed in an advertisement? Make sure that your advertisement has a clear message and that you are honest about the strengths and weaknesses of your product or service. Do not make advertisements that are too long, intrusive and do not be overly present. Less important is evoking an emotional response or that an advertisement is shown on a relevant channel.
