What value should your organization deliver

Focus on the needs of both current organization deliver and future employees. Adapt work at individual, team and group level. This plays into the basic psychological need for autonomy. Conduct research into what your employees find important, for example through desk research, interviews or questionnaires. Below are some findings from Randstad’s Workmonitor 2024 among Dutch employees (n=1,000) that can help you:

Ask yourself: how do we respond to this and how do we communicate this to (potential) employees? Investigate this at an individual level, because there can be differences per individual, for example due to socio-demographic backgrounds. Think of working hours, working from home options and deciding when you work.

1 in 3 employees consider working from home a must

Do you already offer this possibility? Think carefully about the policy, for example, are you considering requiring employees to be present more often? Then check in advance whether this fits the wishes and needs of your employees.

1 in 3 employees refuse a job if list of andorra consumer email they disagree with the organization’s vision
What is your organizational vision and does it inspire? Many SMEs lack a vision or it is not very inspiring (just making money, no-nonsense service, etc.). That is a missed opportunity, besides a strong vision is an important part of the organizational strategy.

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1 in 5 employees would resign if there were no development opportunities
Discuss with each employee what they understand by personal growth, what their wishes are and offer a suitable offer. Look carefully at the common denominators among employees in advance.

Automate less fun processes

We often see automation as a way to how to update website content: quick and furious tips save costs. But in service industries, you have to carefully balance the needs of your employees, customers and services to develop processes that create lasting value.

Ask your employees, which tasks do they anhui mobile phone number list find less enjoyable and which do they like, what do they want to do more of and less of? Do the same with customers, what do they really value and what do they value less in relation to the service?

Also get inspired by other companies. Determine which processes you can automate and how to implement them. Do this without harming job satisfaction or customer satisfaction.
