Web Design & UX The best examples of 404 pages

Let’s face it: marketers make mistakes Web Design too, and one of the most common ones is leaving broken links on our website.

But if to err is human, designing an effective and clever 404 error page is divine. If you manage to hit the target, you will make your website visitor smile instead of causing frustration and anger. Need some inspiration to achieve this? Here are 20 examples!

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The best examples of 404 pages


20 great examples of 404 errors

1) Gymbox
This London-based fitness class company has a great brand personality, and their 404 page shows it.

In addition to the usual error message, you’ll also find a man in a tank top and shorts, shaking his hips suggestively. You’re sure to run back to the home page… or not.



2) Drift
Here, humour is used to put the user’s frustration into perspective. Yes, no one likes landing on a 404 error page, but it could always be worse. For example, you could be lost at sea, like in the automated content creation – unleash the power of ai DJ Khaled video shown on the page. When you look at it that way, it’s not that bad, right?



3) 20th Century Fox

An example of a 404 page that takes advantage of the brand’s cultural heritage. Every time you land bz lists on it, a different reference to one of the films from this production company is shown: Edward Scissorhands, Young Frankenstein, Napoleon Dynamite… If you’re curious, you can try it out at this link .
