Video Marketing YouTube How to Develop Your YouTube Content Plan for Business (Step-by-Step)

Today, YouTube is Video Marketing undisputly the most powerful video marketing platform in the world. Not only is it the largest global audiovisual network, but it is also the second largest search engine after Google.

The bottom line is that if you want to do video marketing, you ne to have a YouTube content plan that fits your company’s goals and situation. If you don’t know where to start, don’t worry! In this article, we’ll guide you step by step and tell you everything you ne to get start.

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How to develop your YouTube content plan for businesses step by step


Marketing objectives

The first essential step is to consider how your business YouTube channel can albania consumer mobile number list help you within your marketing strategy, so let’s analyze the available options.

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YouTube and the conversion funnel
The sales conversion funnel is made up of three essential phases for our day-to-day work as the best marketing agency business models to maximize profits digital marketers:


The TOFU or top of the funnel phase :

when a user from our target audience discovers a ne relat to our brand and begins to search for information about solutions.
The MOFU or middle of the funnel phase : the user already has a clearer idea of ​​what they cmo email list want and is considering different options to solve their ne.
The BOFU or bottom of the funnel phase : the user has done their research and is considering a few options, including our product or service.
