Video Marketing YouTube The 5 YouTube metrics that will help you grow

If you do video marketing  for your brand, you probably already know that having a good YouTube channel is a basic pillar of your online presence.

In other articles on this blog we have already talked about how to design a content plan for YouTube or the best tricks to optimize your videos , but now I want to focus on a fundamental aspect: metrics.

YouTube metrics allow us to know if our strategy and video marketing content are working and to correct course if they aren’t. But we have so much information available that sometimes we can’t see the forest for the trees. So to focus on what really matters, let’s look at the 5 YouTube metrics that will help you grow.

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The 5 YouTube metrics that will help you grow


The two most important YouTube metrics: views and retention
To know if our YouTube channel is growing or not, we have to look at the number of subscribers afghanistan consumer mobile number list to the channel, which is a result of the strategy and the content. But in reality, it helps us more to look at the two basic and fundamental YouTube metrics: views and retention .

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Youtube metrics that will help you grow your channel


1) Views or visits
This metric is very easy to the ultimate checklist for website content and optimization understand: it is simply the number of views each video is getting.

While the algorithm YouTube cmo email list uses to determine what counts as a ” view ” is not entirely clear, it is generally believed that views start counting once a user has watched at least 30 seconds of the video.
