Social Networks & Social Ads 7 things you didn’t know about TikTok, the new social network of the moment

You still don’t know TikTok ? It’s the Social Networks new social network that is already being us by the most famous influencers and that is awakening passions around the world. If you still don’t know it, you ne to read this article! And if you’ve already heard about it or use it, you have to read it too! Because we’re going to tell you interesting facts and uses that you may not know about.

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7 things you didn’t know about Tik Tok, the new social network of the moment

What is TikTok

If we ask you what Instagram is for, you’ll probably quickly answer ‘to share photos’. But TikTok is much more, and that’s why it’s gaining ground to become the best social network by leaps and bounds.

It is bas on videos, which can be personaliz, adapt, modifi… in short, you can do whatever you want and however you want with them . Many users choose the voices of their favorite influencers to use with their image or even imitate their performances.

You could say that it’s like an Instagram for videos, but one that can also be us to make afghanistan phone number list memes and other types of jokes . It has a main screen where you’ll see the most popular videos from the people you follow. There’s also an explore page where you can search for clips of interest or users you like, or browse the most popular hashtags.

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When you choose the video you want to watch, it automatically opens in full screen and on the right there is a button with which you can share, like, comment or follow the user.

The middle of this main

screen you have the magic button. This button allows you to make your own videos and upload them. But the best thing the ultimate checklist for website content and optimization of all, as I said before, is that you can it and customize them as you like. You have filters, effects, voices and everything you want to make original recordings that are out of the ordinary.


There is no doubt that all these features and what TikTok represents have become an cmo email list incentive to download this app. Not for nothing, digital marketing agencies from all over the world, such as those made known by TopAgencias , talk about this app, which threatens to overthrow the most famous ones .
