Social Networks & Social Ads Facebook What determines Facebook advertising costs?

Facebook advertising now Social Networks has no less than 7 million advertisers . This figure is not so surprising when you consider that 75% of consumers buy products they see advertised on social networks and that around 26% of users who click on a Facebook ad end up buying the product in question.

But Facebook advertising costs vary widely, and this means that a campaign can either be profitable or a total failure. What factors influence this and how can we control them? Let’s take a look!

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Facebook advertising costs

The 8 factors that thailand phone number list determine the cost of advertising on Facebook

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1) The audience
The audience segment you target has a significant impact on ad pricing. When you start targeting by age, location, gender, or interests, your pricing will be affected by these factors.

For example, if your Facebook advertising campaign is targeted at women, the costs per click will be higher than if you target men. Similarly, the cost automated content creation – unleash the power of ai of targeting users aged 55-64 is significantly more expensive than if your audience is aged 25-34.

Course, targeting on Facebook

doesn’t just use demographic data, but also parameters such as behaviors, attitudes, job title, and more. In general, the cz lists more specific your targeting is, the more expensive your costs per click will be.

But be careful: this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do precise segmentation. In the end, it doesn’t matter if the cost per click is cheap if that user doesn’t interest you.
