Smarketing: 3 Practices that will help you align marketing and sales

Marketing and sales alignment contributes to the continuous improvement of the organizations that implement it by reducing the possibilities of conflict of interest between both departments and, on the contrary, focusing their joint efforts on successfully closing more deals .

We present 3 practices that will help facilitate the alignment of Marketing and Sales, thereby ensuring strategic results for your business, including the generation of profitable clients, better sales and higher income.

Smarketing, what is it and how to do it?

The main objective of smart marketing is to minimize conflicts between departments and establish common objectives and goals to ensure the quality of leads and thus the successful closing of a greater number of sales to grow the company .

To facilitate the process of aligning areas and teamwork, it is advisable to direct smarketing practices under three key axes :

  • Communication . For any integration process, the first step will have to be communication; encouraging constant dialogue and interaction between both departments, in order to ensure that the generation of contacts is aligned with each of their objectives.
  • Motivation . It is important to keep the team up to date with the goals achieved together, as well as to arrange weekly or monthly meetings to recognize the efforts made and track the progress of each department.

3 effective practices to align marketing and sales 

Alignment will be the result of teamwork based on data or a data-driven approach, as well as effective communication between marketing and sales areas, so that they have common objectives, goals and responsibilities.

The following practices can georgia telemarketing list help you consolidate the alignment process:

georgia telemarketing list

1. Growth strategy alignment workshops 

Provide regular workshops where business growth leaders meet and allow employees to get involved in building the strategy to follow.

Ideally, all parties involved can actively participate in the design of the strategy , by delving into the definitions of the ideal client, the priorities of the growth strategy, and the areas of opportunity, so that the team japan number list is in tune.

In addition to opening a direct communication channel in an effective way to make evaluations and feedback regarding the work of each area with the strategy.

2. Share key information between areas

Establishing clear communication is essential to achieve smart marketing objectives , which is why both areas must use and understand the same jargon, language, metrics and analytics, which will facilitate teamwork.

For example, it is essential that the team understands the conversion funnel , both sales and marketing , and similar concepts such as Top, Middle and Bottom of the funnel.
