SEO & SEM SEO: Increase the speed of your site with Search Console speed reports

Google has added a new the speed SEO tool to its repertoire: Search Console speed reports , designed to help webmasters improve their site by optimizing loading times.

Site speed is a crucial aspect of SEO, as Google rewards pages that take less time to load with better rankings in its search engine. In addition, improving site speed has a positive impact on user experience and reduces bounce rates. Let’s see what this new tool consists of and how to use it.

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SEO increases the speed of your site with Search Console speed reports


The new Search Console speed report

Last May, during Google I/O 2019, a preview of the new Search Console speed report was shown. Since then, the Google team has been implementing feedback from beta testers and in November a first version was finally released to the public.

Identifying potential user experience issues can be difficult for webmasters, especially if their website has a lot of pages. To make this easier, the speed report automatically divides similar URLs into three groups: “fast,” “moderate,” and “slow.” The data is based on the Chrome User Experience Report, which provides user experience metrics that show how real Chrome users experience popular sites across the web.

The new report ranks URLs based on how fast they are and the issue that’s slowing them down . By drilling down into a specific issue, we can see examples of specific URLs that are experiencing that issue, making it easier to prioritize improvements . To learn turkey phone number list more about what type of improvement each URL needs, the report links to the Page Speed ​​Insight tool, which uncovers specific optimization opportunities.

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The Search Console speed

report is a great way to monitor a site’s performance over time and track improvements. If you’ve fixed a particular issue, you can return to the report to see if users are having a better experience after you’ve fixed it.

And if you want to get a why should you use ai writing tools? discover the pros and cons deeper understanding of your site’s performance, Google recommends that you also check URLs classified as “fast” and “moderate” to see what’s performing best.

For now, the Search Console speed report is classified as “experimental” as Google plans to continue releasing new versions and introducing cmo email list new metrics and recommendations for webmasters. Users who test the tool can leave feedback through the tool or the user forum to help make it even more useful.
