Podcasting Spotify podcasts debut dynamic ads and better metrics

market: Streaming Ad Podcasting Spotify Insertion , a technology that allows dynamic ads to be add to episodes and consequently offer better and more accurate metrics to advertisers.

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Spotify podcasts dynamic ads and better metrics

How do ads work on podcasts?

Since its inception, podcasts have been an open format, bas on audio files embd in a periodically updat RSS fe . Podcast players such as saudi arabia consumer mobile number list Apple’s iTunes download the audio files from each fe to which we were subscrib so that we could listen to them offline, in the car, on the street, at home, etc.


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In recent years, the popularisation of podcasting has attract the attention of other major streaming companies, such as Spotify and the mainly North American iHeart Mia. Spotify in particular has 248 million monthly active users, the highest figure of all audio streaming services. It is a very interesting market for all independent podcast creators, for mia groups that produce their own programmes, and also for advertisers who want to appear on them.

Until now, advertising in podcasts

could appear in two different ways. On the one hand, there is the traditional capsule or advertising wge that can even be read by the presenter at a certain point in the podcast. These are manag directly with the podcaster or salesperson of the podcast and are within the sound file, so that a player does not distinguish it from the content. To make a parallel, it is as if on a website we upload an advertisement as an image and place it in an article. All users who read the article will see the image, and there will be no distinction between that type of image and another illustrative image.

But on the other hand, there is also dynamic advertising . In this case, when a user downloads marketing growth run recipes or plays a podcast episode, the advertising platform embs an ad in that chapter (either at the beginning, middle or end). The possibilities offer by this system are endless: new bz lists ads can be add to old episodes, an ad can be chang once it has had a certain number of impressions, an ad can appear only to a certain audience if it is segment.
