Online Marketing & Digital Marketing The rise of second-hand e-commerce in figures

Second-hand e-commerce (also call Digital Marketing re-commerce) is a trend in digital marketing , especially in the world of fashion.

Today’s consumers are concern about sustainability and economy, but still want to look their best in the latest trends. That’s why more and more people are choosing to buy second-hand items.

If you want to know all the figures on digital second-hand commerce , keep reading to discover the results of thrUP’s 2019 Resale Report study . And if you want to know more about digital marketing trends for 2020, I invite you to download our free ebook 1 30 digital marketing trends and prictions 2020 , where we have includ resale in the ecommerce section. Let’s go!


The rise of resale: market size and growth

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The rise of second-hand e-commerce in figures

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In the last three years, the growth of the second-hand trade has been no less than 21 times higher than that of the fashion sector. Let’s look at some data on this booming market:

By 2023, the ai in content marketing: unlocking the potential second-hand market is expect to reach $51 billion . Of this amount, $28 billion will be donations sold by charities and $23 billion will be resale, which was virtually non-existent in 2013.
recommerce or second-hand trade

In 2018, 56 million women bz lists bought secondhand items or were willing to do so (64% of the US market). In 2016, this figure was 44 million (45% of the market), so the growth trend is evident.
