Online Advertising & Digital Advertising What is Digital Signage? The digital advertising revolution

What happens when digital Online Advertising advertising goes beyond the boundaries of mobile phones and computers to invade the real world? The future of outdoor and point-of-sale advertising is already here, and it’s call Digital Signage . Today I’m going to tell you everything you ne to know about this revolution in online advertising : what it is, its advantages, the latest data on how it works, and what you should keep in mind when using it. Let’s go for it!

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What is Digital Signage?

What is Digital Signage?

Digital signage (also known as dynamic digital signage or multimia digital signage) is an advertising format bas on the broadcasting of digital content through devices such as screens, projectors, touch panels or totems . These devices are generally locat at the point of sale or in public places, and allow the company to create, manage, distribute and publish its own content, combining the advantages of digital advertising and more conventional outdoor advertising.

Depending on the location, we can distinguish two main types of digital signage: outdoor and indoor.


1# Outdoor digital signage
Outdoor digital signage projects are often locat in public places with a high traffic flow: an emblematic example is the Plaza de Callao in Madrid, where digital advertising occupies the façade of a building. Other popular locations include bus stations, petrol stations, city access points or even the metro.

Launching an outdoor digital algeria phone number list signage campaign usually requires a fairly high investment, but in return you get great visibility and spectacularity.

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Indoor digital signage

Indoor digital signage has a longer history than outdoor digital signage, as the first digital signage was install inside points of sale. Here, proximity and one-on-one contact with the consumer are paramount, using smaller screens with interactive options.

The investment requir for a campaign of this type is lower than that of digital outdoor advertising, so it is within the reach of more modest companies. According to some experts, this option has more possibilities of influencing the purchase, since the consumer is at the point of sale and therefore in a favorable situation for conversion.


The advantages of Digital Signage
Increase brand recall. 80% of people who are impact by an outdoor digital screen remember marketing growth run recipes the message, so it is a highly effective format if you want them to stay with you.

It’s new and daring . Digital signage is a spectacular format that is still perceiv as something cmo email list new, even though it has been around for years. That’s why it’s a fantastic tool for brands that want to stand out from the competition by being cutting-ge, up-to-date and daring to do everything.
