Online Advertising & Digital Advertising Connected TV: What is the state of advertising in audiovisual digital content?

digital platforms and consumer Online Advertising habits evolve, advertising has to keep up. This is the case of connect television , a service that is already being us by 57.5% of Spanish Internet users.

Order to develop a digital content advertising strategy. That makes sense for our brand. The first thing we ne to consider is what the attitude of consumers is towards. Receiving advertising through a specific mium. Recently, a study by nPeople was publish and disseminat by IAB Spain, sponsor by agiletv and smar+, which analyses the situation of the connect television market in our country. Let’s see what its conclusions are.

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Connect television what is the status of advertising in audiovisual digital content-1

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Advertising and connect television

When we talk about digital advertising on connect TV, the first thing we ne to be very clear about is that there is a big difference in the attitude serp analyzer: increase your page rank easily! of users towards advertising on paid and free platforms. As expect, users are much more receptive to advertising on free platforms .

On a scale of 0 to 10, users express an average tolerance of 6.3 for advertising on free cz lists connect TV platforms. However, if advertising is insert on pay-TV connect TV, the acceptance rate drops to 3.8 and 25% of users define themselves as completely intolerant (0 points out of 10).
