More than just some speakers

Earlier I wrote here on Frankwatching some speakers about working on an event experience, which ensures that your event really sticks with the audience. That people walk out with a smile on their face, talk about it to colleagues and family for weeks afterwards and preferably buy a ticket for next year right away. The number of events keeps increasing , while the number of hours in a day for the visitor remains the same.

Competition is becoming increasingly cutthroat, visitors are becoming more selective. In my opinion, it is therefore incredibly important to think very carefully about how to make your event attractive to Gen Z. A number of things that I have received a lot of positive feedback on recently:

Much more focus on unique experiences, in addition to the general program
To keep Gen Z engaged with your event, you need to differentiate yourself from other events by offering unique experiences that they haven’t seen before. I see this with friends of mine who organize festivals and spend tons of money just on the stage. Something that takes them 1.5 months to build at Tomorrowland.

Also read:

Be creative with the location of your event; the decor, the layout of the various ‘common rooms’, such as entrance, toilet groups and catering areas. In list of australia consumer email addition to speakers, also put entertainment on stage in between and provide surprise elements, such as fireworks and CO2 guns to shoot t-shirts into the room.

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Also try to really transform passive into ai-generated articles: quality content in seconds proactive. One of the best ways to better engage Gen Z attendees is to have them actively participate in your event, rather than just passively sitting in an audience. Really gamify , for example by offering cool photo contests and virtual scavenger hunts with Snapchat. Not just during breaks, but all day long.

Think about divisibility

While we’re on the subject of the anhui mobile phone number list power of photo contests, think about shareability . Gen Z loves to share their lives on social media and your event needs to be something they want to share with their network. Not just the content, but also the design. Not just getting creative with the location, by spreading photo booths, branded backdrops and Marquee Letters around the venue, but also really thinking about the entertainment during the breaks, which will provide photo-worthy moments.
