Online Marketing & Digital Marketing Current and future of e-commerce in 2019

If you work in digital advertising , you’re Online Marketing sure to be interest in learning about the current state of the e-commerce sector in Spain and the trends that are emerging for the future. Well, you’re in luck: IAB Spain has just publish its ” Annual eCommerce Study 2019 “, which explains everything you ne to know about the behavior of online shoppers. So let’s see what its conclusions say! Ready?

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Current and future of e-commerce in 2019


Who are e-commerce customers?
The e-commerce sector has manag to reach a very wide audience in our country. In the age segment analys in the study (16 to 65 years), 92% of respondents were internet users and, of this percentage, 71% bought online. Therefore, we are fac with a market of more than 20 million people: great news for brands that invest in e-commerce!
If we analyse the evolution of the last 5 years, we see a very notable increase both in the percentage of Internet users (which was only 60% in 2014) and in the percentage of online buyers (from 44% in 2014 to 71% in 2019). There is no doubt that we are in a sector in full expansion.
By age group , those who buy the least are members of the so-call “Generation Z”, ag between 16 and 24: only 52% of them buy online. On the other hand, this habit is more frequent among users ag between 35 and 45 (76%).
The average e-commerce buyer is 41 years old and lives in a household of three. 84% of them are active bolivia consumer mobile number list on social mia: the most common are Facebook (90%), WhatsApp (87%) and YouTube (65%). 61% have university degrees, 52% have children and 78% are currently working.
When it comes to devices us to connect to the Internet, computers and smartphones are ti at 94%, follow at a distance by tablets (52%).

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What are the main online shopping habits?

On average, e-commerce users shop three times a month . 62% wait for key moments, such as discount coupons or Black Friday. The most intensive users are in the 24-30 age group, while those over 45 shop less frequently.
The average spending is 64 euros, which is a decrease of more than 10 euros since 2018. Those who spend the least are members of Generation Z and those who spend the most are the 24 to 30-year-old segment. It is also very interesting to know that men spend ai copywriting techniques: the secret to captivating and engaging content more than women: men spend 68 euros on average and women, 59.4.
The main drivers of online shopping are convenience (present in 97% of cases), offers and products (95%) and price (93%). Online advertising comes in last with 30%, although to put this figure bz lists into perspective, we must know that this study is carri out by means of surveys of the users themselves, which means that they may not be fully aware of its influ.

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