Also snackable content on stage

Forget the goldfish anecdote snackable content for a moment, because in our increasingly distracted and overstimulated world, attention spans are getting shorter across all generations. Gen Z has the shortest attention span of all, with an attention span of around 8 seconds, compared to 12 seconds for other generations. Research from the University of California suggests that this may be because they can process information faster and filter out informational noise much faster.

If you expect a lot of  your program to that, make sure you also look at the duration of the program elements. As an organizer, I often received feedback that the speakers took too much time. And as a chair, I see the effect immediately, the telephone density increases very quickly in the room. Most science shows that the attention span of the human brain is really gone after 20 minutes.

Speaker event

So you can have speakers read out azerbaijan email list 194608 contact leads bullet points for 45-60 minutes, but that does not benefit the experience of Gen Z, among others. I always take this into account in advance in the programming and briefing for the speakers. Not only the cost, but also the content itself. It is no secret that Gen Z really prefers video as their favorite type of content. I therefore program more video content between speakers. And I talk to speakers about whether they can also implement this in their story.

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Get a second screen

Even though I am not quite a Zoomer, I notice it myself when I am watching Netflix; at the same time I also secretly look at Instagram. Research does ai content rank on google? by Forrester shows that 84% of Zoomers are always multitasking on a second screen – connected to the internet. You can also facilitate this nicely at an event, by offering such a second screen yourself. In the past year I have experimented with a live dashboard, where visitors can not only join in during keynotes, but can also find additional content.

I sometimes hear fellow event anhui mobile phone number list organizers sigh about even more things they have to take into account when organizing an event. But the many  on the aforementioned actions that I have experimented with in the past year have only strengthened my conviction to pay even more attention to this in the fall. Ultimately, you want every visitor to leave with a satisfied feeling. And to come back again.
