Online Marketing & Digital Marketing What is a branded podcast? And 10 keys to creating good content

According to the latest Reuters Online Marketing study. 39% of Spaniards say they have listened to podcasts in the last month. Furthermore, forecasts for the coming years tell us that this content format will grow by 30% annually.

For brands, creating branded content on podcasts is profitable and offers the opportunity to get their message across and encourage recall organically. Do you want to know more about what branded podcasts are and how to create good content? Well, keep reading!

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What is a branded podcast? 10 tips for creating good content

What is a branded podcast and what can it bring to brands?
Branded podcasts are a new way of communicating with a brand’s target audience, based on offering them content on a regular basis in audio format.

For brands, podcasts offer multiple advantages :

They are relatively easy to produce . Although it is important to have professional equipment to offer adequate sound quality, the truth is that it is much more profitable than other audiovisual formats.
They create a long-term bond with the audience. Many online advertising formats are based on creating a quick impact, such as a video ad or an Instagram Story. On the other hand, a podcast seeks to build loyalty among the audience, who listen to long-form episodes on a regular basis. Podcasts generally feature recurring guests or characters and gradually shape a brand culture.
They increase brand recall . Ideally, the brand should only be mentioned a handful of times per episode. But even so, it is proven that listeners remember the brands behind their favorite podcasts and that these have a positive impact on brand image.
Branded content on podcasts is a benin phone number list fantastic opportunity for brands to unleash their creativity and tell their own story. Branded podcasts come in all sorts of different approaches and styles – check out these examples for inspiration!

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The Fisher Price rattle is dedicated

Childcare and focuses on offering valuable content for parents through music, education, play and fiction.
The Message , from General the best marketing agency business models to maximize profits Electric, is a journalistic-style science fiction podcast in which a group of scientists attempt to decipher messages from aliens using General Electric technology.
Blink , from BBVA, offers content on financial technology and personal finance with an educational focus.
DTR (Define The Relationship) is a bz lists show from the world-famous dating app Tinder, focused on helping listeners improve their love life. A typical episode contains online dating tips and real-life stories from users.
