5 Digital Marketing Indicators Take Charge of the Strategy

Typically, many agencies and marketing departments use so-called vanity metrics, such as followers and likes, which are often presented as marketing indicators , but used in isolation and disconnected from strategic objectives, they lose credibility.

Therefore, when talking about marketing metrics , we have to mention those that impact not only this department, but the company in general, especially its directors.

Here are five digital marketing indicators that will help you demonstrate the value and effectiveness of your actions and even get more budget to implement them.

5 Strategic indicators of digital marketing 

Before listing the key indicators, you should know that to quantify the performance and results of the strategy, it is necessary to establish SMART objectives:

  1. Specific . Identifies what, where, how and when exactly is being measured.
  2. Measurable . Allows the quantification of the measures and benefits expected as results.
  3. Attainable . Possible given the resources available. It makes no sense to choose indicators that are impossible to achieve with the resources allocated.
  4. Relevant . Depending on the objectives set, it will be better to use one metric or another.
  5. Time-bound. A key performance indicator must be subject to a specific time period.

At GrowX Agency, to be certain about the success of our digital efforts, we evaluate the following:

1. Sessions 

Measuring the number of sessions is essential to gain an overview of how effective your marketing efforts are, as well as to more accurately forecast the number of potential customers.

To do this, you will need to take into account the total number of sessions by double-clicking on each of the channels: organic, direct traffic, paid, email, and those in which you are making efforts.

By comparing the results, you will know which channels to optimize, which efforts to replicate, and which channels are not being effective, france telemarketing list whether you decide to pause the efforts or boost them with better tactics.

france telemarketing list

2. Leads

How many leads are you generating per month, per quarter, per year? Knowing exactly how many leads are generated by marketing sources will put all your efforts into perspective. For example, you have increased the number japan number list of organic sessions, but not the number of leads. What actions should you take?

The goal of marketing is not just to generate more traffic, but to do so in a way that contributes to the business’s revenue. In other words, without contacts there are no opportunities, and without opportunities, there is no revenue.

In this sense, a more specific indicator is the cost per lead or prospect. This indicator is commonly used in campaigns to measure the behavior of the target audience in relation to the campaign, whether in the acquisition of leads or in the sales achieved.

3. MQL’s

A common complaint from sales teams is that marketing-generated leads are poorly qualified. How do you respond to this objection? This metric will give you the elements you need to demonstrate the value of the marketing tactics you are implementing.
