Što osjećaju klijenti banke? Studija emocija u Španjolskoj

Tradicionalno marketinško istraživanje je klijenti banke mrtvo jer se naše okruženje promijenilo i sada smo u “eri iskustava”. EMO INSIGHTS! španjolska tvrtka stručnjak za emocionalna i iskustvena istraživanja! provodi prvu studiju koja uključuje neuromarketing za analizu bankovnog svemira. Mjerenje i kvantifikacija emocija! korištenjem tehnologije iz medicine (mjerači pažnje! galvanometri…) će subjektima pružiti strateške informacije za…

Lansiranje nove LITEBI 3 platforme: budućnost poslovne inteligencije u oblaku

LITEBI predvodi novu generaciju nove LITEBI poslovne inteligencije sa svojom novom platformom Cloud Computing LITEBI 3! koja nudi naprednu analitiku! izvješća! integraciju podataka! upozorenja i uravnotežene nadzorne ploče za tvrtke bilo koje veličine ili sektora kroz svoj SaaS (softver kao usluga) ili pay- model po upotrebi. LITEBI 3 predstavlja se kao softverska platforma u službi…

Juan Carlos Infante Peñalsee slika nove sezone Cúrcuma Catering and Events

Nova gastronomska kampanja Carlos Infante Cúrcuma Catering and Events dolazi puna novih značajki i prednosti u kojima sada možete uživati ​​na novom prezentacijskom portalu promotions.curcumaeventos.es! jer svi oni koji se registriraju dobit će 10% popusta za sljedeću organizaciju vašeg događaja. Kuhar Juan Carlos Infante Peñalver! nedavno proglašen za mladog kuhara godine od strane prestižnog časopisa…

Social Networks & Social Ads Instagram How to get more followers on Instagram for REAL

Impact and visibility on Social Network Instagram , you need to have an audience, and the bigger and closer to your buyer persona, the better. That’s why many brands and aspiring influencers consider the need to gain followers on this network. If you’re also considering this goal, you’re in luck! In this complete guide, we’ll…

Online Advertising & Digital Advertising Neuromarketing: Metrics to track what the eye focuses on and examples

According to the INESEM Business Online Advertising School, the arrival of neuromarketing has revolutionis the detail study of consumer behaviour . And with good reason: thanks to this discipline, we have more and more scientific data on what consumers really think and how they relate to brands. One of the most popular tactics in neuromarketing…

Online Marketing & Digital Marketing Marketing digital: 7 elementos para mejorar tu ratio de conversión

If there is one metric that obsesses all Online Marketing digital marketing professionals equally, it is undoubtedly the conversion rate. Optimizing this figure allows us to obtain better results with the same traffic and make our ROI go up. But do you know how to achieve it? Sometimes, improving the bulgaria phone number list conversion…

Online Sales Top 10 marketing strategies to sell more online

Nowadays, creating an online store marketing strategies is easy… but getting real sales is another story. However, with a little strategy and effort, it is possible to make your e-commerce profitable in a short time. Let’s take a quick look at 10 ways to achieve this. Do you want to know the bosnia and herzegovina…

Online Marketing & Digital Marketing Current and future of e-commerce in 2019

If you work in digital advertising , you’re Online Marketing sure to be interest in learning about the current state of the e-commerce sector in Spain and the trends that are emerging for the future. Well, you’re in luck: IAB Spain has just publish its ” Annual eCommerce Study 2019 “, which explains everything you…

SEO & SEM How Smart Display campaigns work on Google and their benefits

never stops evolving and surprising us, so we Display campaigns have to keep up with the latest developments. And as expected, it has joined one of the latest big trends in SEM: machine learning and Smart Display campaigns . Let’s see how they work! Do you want to learn more about SEM and Google Ads?…

Online Marketing & Digital Marketing Why our audience should feel heard in digital marketing

We have data and more data about Online Marketing what people do online, so much that we are only just beginning to understand how to analyse it to extract valuable information from it. And yet, despite having all the information at their fingertips, many brands are showing every day that they are unable to understand…